Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Sixto Rodriguez, the sixth child

I wish to talk about a great singer-songwriter, named Sixto Rodriguez, also known as Rodríguez or as Jesús Rodríguez. He was born on July 10th., 1942, he was the sixth family child, that is why he was named "Sixto".

His parents migrated to Detroit from Mexico. He worked as a worker in the automobile industry and construction, but he had many other jobs.
He have an enormous artistic talent, and his lyrics served as anthem during Anti Apartheid movement in South Africa in the seventies. However, in America, he is a totally unknown artist, he is a simple worker from Detroit.

His lyrics really are touching poems. Rodriguez is a creative person, with great human quality, worried about social problems and a very humble person. Apparently he is a shy person, but on the stage he is very extroverted. Acording to some psychologists, the creativity and emphaty are characteristics of the family's youngest child, so the Sixto's personality maybe was influenced bay his birth order.

If you wish know more about Rodriguez, I recommend a documentary film about his life, "Searching for Sugar Man" it was released in 2012.

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