SP = Spelling mistake
GR = Grammar, structure mistake
VOC = Vocabulary- find a more appropriate word
WV = Wrong verb
VT = Verb tense is incorrect (present instead of past, for example)
VF= Verb form - use gerund instead of simple form, for example.
= Incorrect word order
SENT. REV= Revise whole sentence
^Prep = Insert preposition
WPrep = Wrong preposition
^Verb = Insert a verb
^Art. = Insert article
Punct. = Add or check punctuation.
These are in general the symbols used. Let me know if there is anything you don't understand.
Here is a link that may help you improve your writing, but remember to try to use new vocabulary words and synonyms to make your writing more varied and interesting. Play with words, don't be afraid of making mistakes, you will have to correct them and learn from them, that is the worst thing that may happen! Keep working!
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