1. There is a Speaking Online Club for people who would like to learn and practice English speaking skills. The web page is: http://englishgoes.com/e-club/ join it! I hope you find it useful and entertaining.
2. Here is a link to a game to practice irregular verbs in English: http://www.quia.com/cb/119049.html. As I already mentioned to you, also try http://www.englishpage.com/irregularverbs/irregularverbs.html
3. To practice your reading skills, there is a very good site where you can find short readings on a variety of topics online and for free: http://www.short-stories.co.uk/
and look at the funny side, watch this video on how bad pronunciation can lead to unfortunate experiences! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1TnzCiUSI0
5. To practice entonation, don't forget to sing the songs you like. You can practice "I saw the siign", a song from Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejre44FR2oo
6. Remember that it is very important to practice your writing! Get a small notebook where you can write about your day, special events, your friends, etc. have it handy and write, write, write! For this, a good dictionary online is of big help, I recommend http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ , it may also be entertaining doing the activities at http://esl.fis.edu/learners/writing/misc/index_color.h
7. To keep your mind active and practice word skills, you may like to try this CNN page with word games for ESL learners:
We hope you enjoy the course!
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