Useful links for Elementary and Pre-Intermediate Levels

Welcome to all the students starting the course September - December, 2013 at CEPHCIS.  I would like to give you some recommendations for additional practice, whenever you have a chance to do it.

1. There is a Speaking Online Club for people who would like to learn and practice English speaking skills. The web page is:  join it! I hope you find it useful and entertaining.

2. Here is a link to a game to practice irregular verbs in English: As I already mentioned to you, also try

3. To practice your reading skills, there is a very good site where you can find short readings on a variety of topics online and for free:

4. Talking about pronunciation, here is a link to the video we watched in class so you get familiar with the Phonetic Alphabet: 
and look at the funny side, watch this video on how bad pronunciation can lead to unfortunate experiences!

5. To practice entonation, don't forget to sing the songs you like. You can practice "I saw the siign", a song from Youtube:

6. Remember that it is very important to practice your writing! Get a small notebook where you can write about your day, special events, your friends, etc. have it handy and write, write, write! For this, a good dictionary online is of big help, I recommend  , it may also be entertaining doing the activities at


7. To keep your mind active and practice word skills, you may like to try this CNN page with word games for ESL learners:

Resultado de imagen para word games for adults

We hope you enjoy the course!

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