1. I think really choose what you want is the most important because that you can to plane your activities in a short time. Some times it´s little difficult depends on the stage you are. With time you can put your priorities in order.
2. Set goals for yourself is important but goals maybe in a short or medium time you can realistically. If you do some things little by little you can getting to the line.
3. The comfort zone maybe is comfortable for some people because it is an area that you already know but out side this area there are better things. It is important if you can do your dreams reality.
4. Sometimes you can´t understand why the facts are bad. But these things happen so that you learn from mistakes and you don´t repeat. And this is important if you live your dreams for the next time you can do it better.
5. You can't go through life thinking about what others think. Which one life must live his life and thanks of that in the future you can be happy to live your dreams.
Very good job Mariely, excellent effort. I will just e-mail you some suggestions to improve your work.